A place to be together – Friday Fictioneers

It’s time to write another piece for Friday Fictioneers!  Thank you to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields who hosts this venture.  Each week Rochelle chooses a photo prompt to inspire writers to produce a 100 word piece of flash fiction.  Do use the link to her blog if you are interested in joining the group.  It’s a great way to get involved in writing!

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PHOTO PROMPT © Fatima Fakier Deria

A place to be together

There was plenty to do in the house but the garden was where they wanted to begin.

 They looked around in delight.  “Let’s get started!” came the cry from the children.

 They cut down the long grass and discovered the hidden pathways.  They dug up the creeping moss from the neglected flower beds and cleared the area around the tree to create the perfect space.

 A place for talking and laughing through the years and for family celebrations.

 The echo of those times floats gently through the air as the raindrops slip from the tree and onto the empty table.



In the space and the silence – Friday Fictioneers

It’s time to write another piece for Friday Fictioneers!  Thank you to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields who hosts this venture.  Each week Rochelle chooses a photo prompt to inspire writers to produce a 100 word piece of flash fiction.  Do use the link to her blog if you are interested in joining the group.  It’s a great way to get involved in writing!

106 space and silencePHOTO PROMPT © Björn Rudberg

In the space and the silence

The mountain beckoned.  Barin watched the sun rise then grasped his staff and set off.  He was seeking his brother who had taken the path around the lowest slopes but had not returned.

As he climbed higher, the weather changed.  Suddenly, through the descending gloom he saw, carved into the rock, a face and a warning hand held high.

 Barin stood staring then turned at the sound of forlorn creaking. Rounding the corner, he saw a hooded body swaying from the lone tree growing out of the rocky soil. 

 All hope left him.  He sank to his knees in despair.

Memento mori – Friday Fictioneers

It’s time to write another piece for Friday Fictioneers!  Thank you to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields who hosts this venture.  Each week Rochelle chooses a photo prompt to inspire writers to produce a 100 word piece of flash fiction.  Do use the link to her blog if you are interested in joining the group.  It’s a great way to get involved in writing.

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Memento mori

He followed the track through the gloom of the forest, pushing through the jealous branches that guarded the secrets within.  The angry waters of the stream offered him no opportunity to cross and he came to an abrupt halt.  As he turned to get his bearings, he heard a sound of smothered weeping and the words, “Go back, go back!” whispering through the grass.

He turned, frustrated, as nature conspired to hinder his progress, then reeled as something struck him on the head.

The last thing he saw was a flash through the trees as he fell to the ground.




Something in the air – Friday Fictioneers

It’s time to write another piece for Friday Fictioneers!  Thank you to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields who hosts this venture.  Each week Rochelle chooses a photo prompt to inspire writers to produce a 100 word piece of flash fiction.  Do use the link to her blog if you are interested in joining the group.  It’s a great way to get involved in writing.

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PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook

Something in the air

Henry had never been keen on visiting stately homes so it was with some dismay that he found himself on a stag night in one of these formidable buildings.

He shuddered as he felt a sense of others who passed through open doors, walked along passages and slipped up and down stairs with feet that made no sound on the floor.  The place was filled with people as silent as the paintings on the walls.

 No-one else saw or heard a thing but it was clear to him that there were more guests in the house than had been invited.